Term of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Psychology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Psychology

Committee Chair

Richard L. Rogers

Committee Member 1

R. R. Haney

Committee Member 2

S. Osgood for

Committee Member 3

S. Osgood for


One hundred and twenty volunteers from two undergraduate psychology classes participated in an experiment to determine the effects of color and noise on task performance, time estimation, and self-report arousal ratings. Students performed a word completion task for one hundred four seconds while seated in a red booth or blue booth. White noise was played over a speaker during the experiment for half the participants. Subjects then estimated the length of time spent performing the task, and completed a self-report measurement of arousal. Analysis of variance indicated that color had a significant effect on task performance. Better performance was achieved in blue surroundings than in red surroundings regardless of noise condition. There were no other significant main effects. There were no significant interactions. A t^ test performed on the time estimates made by males and females showed that there was no difference in accuracy of time estimates between males and females.

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