Term of Award


Degree Name

Master of Technology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


School of Technology

Committee Chair

Charles H. Perry, Jr.

Committee Member 1

Jim Holmes

Committee Member 2

David D. Williams


The USARC Field Automation Support Branch Staff needed an effective communication medium to deliver decision-support services for the Center Level Application Software. The customers worked diverse schedules in different time zones making person-to-person communication difficult. Technical staff administered software support via telephone, electronic mail or fax. Most customers need support from remote locations. The customers were located at more than 3,800 sites across three continents. Situations existed where contacting the CLAS Help Desk was difficult.

Customers were encouraged to contact the USARC CLAS Help Desk if any CLAS automation problem could not be resolved by their Regional Support Command (RSC). Many problems encountered by customers using CLAS were resolved by their unit's higher command. To maintain CLAS, the Center Level Application Software Help Desk (CLAS Help Desk) provided technical support. The United States Army Reserve (USAR) used the Center Level Application Software (CLAS) for personnel, resources management and training functions. CLAS customers required correct, consistent and current technical support from the CLAS Help Desk.

The purpose for this study was to improve serviceability for the Center Level Application Software by introducing the Hypertext Transport Protocol. An evolution from Web publishing to developing web-based applications had begun. The study had been designed with the intentions of being an integrated solution, but limited to the technology capability with the Hypertext Transport Protocols. Regardless of the technology, the fundamental activities of a help desk remain relatively stable. Advancements in the Hypertext Transport Protocol offered help desks additional ways of presenting and delivering services to their customers.

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