Term of Award

Spring 1999

Degree Name

Master of Science

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)


Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Committee Chair

Chong-wei Xu

Committee Member 1

Ahmed Barbour

Committee Member 2

Mark Aulick


Today, the software application development process is more assembly work than a "build from scratch" approach. By placing pre-existing software components together, it is possible to create a complete application. Such components provide interfaces so that programs use them for their intended purposes. The objective of this thesis is to illustrate how software components work together to make a complete application. To illustrate the ideas and the components, this project presents a three-tiered web database application. This application, as a whole, is made up of the client side web browser, a database and the actual application programs which are Java servlets. The emphasis is placed on these servlets and how they use the Java Database Connectivity, or JDBC, to interface with the databases.

OCLC Number



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