Term of Award

Spring 2002

Degree Name

Master of English

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Literature and Philosophy

Committee Chair

Gautam Kundu

Committee Member 1

Caren Town

Committee Member 2

Linda Rohrer Paige


This thesis, presented on F. Scott Fitzgerald's fourth novel. Tender is the Night, addresses connections between the text and the author's personal life, the novel's critical heritage and the strengths and weaknesses of the dominant critical paradigm, and the need for a new reading which operates outside of that paradigm. The author seeks to approach the text from a new feminist perspective under the general assumption that previous feminist cnncism shares the same basic critical approaches as the conventional critical paradigm and therefore provides limited new insight into the text. Using a new critical paradigm that disregards previous patriarchal assumptions and emphasizes Fitzgerald's characterization of women, this thesis suggests a different reading of Tender Is the Night in which women play an important, positive role.


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