Term of Award

Winter 2003

Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Art

Committee Chair

Bruce Little

Committee Member 1

Richard Tichich

Committee Member 2

Greg Carter


As a Christian artist, the author struggled with the historic baggage of Christian Art history and found most contemporary Christian Art to be an often repeated, inadequate expression of what Christianity teaches. Through a personal exploration of the Bible, Reformed Theological literature, and historic artworks and artists, the author attempted to distill into his visual art, what he found to be vital and true to Reformed Christian Doctrine. By excluding desensitized Christian Iconography and focusing on the text of the Bible, importance was placed on what Reformed Doctrine teaches to be the inerrant Word of God. The aesthetic influences on the author's artworks grew out of his lifelong fascination with and examination of different historically relevant art and artists. The Thesis art works consist of two suites. The first suite is a direct attempt to visually portray verses from the Book of John, as found in the King James translation of the Holy Bible. These art works often rely on the addition of scriptural text to an image. The second suite is a collection of works without text inspired by the creation of the art works from the first suite. Together, both suites visually represent the author's spiritual journey and resultant artistic growth.


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