Term of Award

Summer 1992

Degree Name

Master of Technology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)

Committee Chair

Keith F. Hickman

Committee Member 1

Jim Holmes

Committee Member 2

David Ross


The problem of this study was to compare the Statesboro, Georgia business community's expectations of printing companies to the expectations printers perceive the businesses have. All of the local printers, and a sample of the local Chamber of Commerce corporate members (non-printers) were given identical survey forms which measured their expectations and perceptions. The forms were hand-delivered, picked-up the next day and tabulated to put the data in graphical form. A comparison of the two groups revealed some agreement and some disagreement in expectations and perceptions. After completing the study, it was determined that the research method is valid and produces information that can be used by the printing industry. Implementation of similar studies in other industries should be a valid method for analysis of business expectations as compared with how those expectations are perceived by the industry.

OCLC Number



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