Term of Award

Spring 1997

Degree Name

Masters of Education

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Leadership, Technology, and Human Development


With so many different factors influencing behavior surrounding alcohol consumption in college students, the best a researcher can hope for would be to see a correlation between alcohol consumption and the variable in question Based on a review of literature citing concerns with alcohol use among college students, a number of hypotheses were put forth regarding the relationship between religiosity or strength of religious belief, not religious affiliation or practice, and alcohol consumption. The analysis indicates that there is a slight negative relationship between religiosity and change in level of alcohol consumption, among the subjects in this study. Differences were found among gender sub-groups, with male students indicating a stronger relationship between change in level of alcohol consumption than female students. Additional variations in level of significance for that relationship were found for sub-groups of students who reported they consumed alcohol prior to college and currently, while attending college While relationships were found between religiosity and change in level of alcohol consumption, results indicated that these relationships were slight.

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