Term of Award

Spring 2010

Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Education Administration (Ed.D.)

Document Type and Release Option

Dissertation (open access)

Copyright Statement / License for Reuse

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


Department of Leadership, Technology, and Human Development

Committee Chair

Charles A. Reavis

Committee Member 1

Bryan Griffin

Committee Member 2

Barbara Mallory

Committee Member 3

Teri A. Melton

Committee Member 3 Email



The purpose of this study was to develop a reliable and valid instrument that measures a school principal's Theory Y leadership dispositions. These dispositions include a tendency to take risks and confront conflict for what is ethical, a tendency to have relentless expectations for student growth and instructional leadership, a tendency to be open, honest, and transparent, a tendency to utilize democracy-centered practice, a tendency to reward and recognize growth, not just performance, a tendency to value individual dignity and worth, a tendency to enjoy work, and a tendency to believe that workers are resourceful and receptive to responsibility. Instrument development began with a review of the literature related to the identified dispositions and creation of an initial item pool. A panel of experts reviewed the questions and changes were made based on their recommendations. A pilot study including 43 teachers allowed further instrument adjustments. The revised instrument was distributed using SurveyMonkey©, after which statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS. The results showed that scores from the instrument, after some items were dropped, demonstrated evidence of reliability and validity, and could then be used to assess dispositions of school leaders.

Research Data and Supplementary Material

