Term of Award

Spring 2011

Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Education Administration (Ed.D.)

Document Type and Release Option

Dissertation (open access)

Copyright Statement / License for Reuse

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


Department of Leadership, Technology, and Human Development

Committee Chair

Barbara J. Mallory

Committee Member 1

Linda M. Arthur

Committee Member 2

Judith A. Longfield


When middle school students need to learn accountability and discipline to be successful in school, many parents, teachers and school administrators seek short-term solutions to stop inappropriate behavior. This mixed methods study was designed to determine the impact of one intervention used by many middle schools in Georgia, the Student Transition and Recovery (S.T.A.R.) program . The researcher found that the intervention, a military-style of discipline, did have a positive impact on student attendance, grades and discipline. The findings describe five major features of the intervention that contribute to its success. The study provides support for this type of intervention. The ultimate goal is to provide middle schools with an alternative intervention that keeps students in school while improving academics and discipline.

Research Data and Supplementary Material

