Term of Award
Spring 2020
Degree Name
Master of Science, Electrical Engineering
Document Type and Release Option
Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)
Copyright Statement / License for Reuse
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Committee Chair
Mohammad Ahad
Committee Member 1
Sungkyun Lim
Committee Member 2
Adel El Shahat
Electrical Impedance Myography (EIM) is a painless, non-invasive electrical bio-impedance measurement technique for assessing neurological disease states. In this electrophysiological technique, the EIM parameters, namely resistance, reactance, and phase magnitude, depend on several anatomic factors such as muscle girth, skin thickness, fat thickness. EIM may also be affected by several non-anatomic factors like frequency, electrode size, and inter-electrode distance. This thesis paper presents two separate studies. The first study explores the female breast tumor type classification by extracting EIM parameters from a 3D model of the female breast. The extracted EIM parameters from the simulation employ an artificial neural network (ANN) to identify benign and malignant tumor types. The second study presents the female breast tumor location classification by extracting EIM parameters from a female breast 3D model and then use EIM parameters in an artificial neural network (ANN) to predict the locations of the female breast tumors. A 3D finite element (FEM) model of a female breast with a rectangular shape of electrodes are developed with a base shape of an 80 mm outer radius. The subsequent shapes are designed as -20% and +20% of the base shape, as mentioned above. This thesis paper presents that the EIM parameters can classify female breast tumor types and predict locations of tumors using an ANN.
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@inproceedings{ahad2009finite, title={Finite element analysis of electrical impedance myography in the rat hind limb}, author={Ahad, Mohammad A and Rutkove, Seward B}, booktitle={2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society}, pages={630--633}, year={2009}, organization={IEEE} } @article{ahad2009electricalreproducibility, title={Electrical impedance myography at 50 kHz in the rat: technique, reproducibility, and the effects of sciatic injury and recovery}, author={Ahad, Mohammad A and Rutkove, Seward B}, journal={Clinical neurophysiology}, volume={120}, number={8}, pages={1534--1538}, year={2009}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{ahad2009electrical, title={Electrical characteristics of rat skeletal muscle in immaturity, adulthood and after sciatic nerve injury, and their relation to muscle fiber size}, author={Ahad, Mohammad A and Fogerson, P Michelle and Rosen, Glenn D and Narayanaswami, Pushpa and Rutkove, Seward B}, journal={Physiological measurement}, volume={30}, number={12}, pages={1415}, year={2009}, publisher={IOP Publishing} } @article{ahad2010effect, title={The effect of subacute denervation on the electrical anisotropy of skeletal muscle: implications for clinical diagnostic testing}, author={Ahad, Mohammad A and Narayanaswami, Pushpa and Kasselman, Lora J and Rutkove, Seward B}, journal={Clinical Neurophysiology}, volume={121}, number={6}, pages={882--886}, year={2010}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{rutkove2009electrical, title={Electrical impedance myography: background, current state, and future directions}, author={Rutkove, Seward B}, journal={Muscle \& Nerve: Official Journal of the American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine}, volume={40}, number={6}, pages={936--946}, year={2009}, publisher={Wiley Online Library} } @inproceedings{ahad2010electrical, title={Electrical properties of rat muscle after sciatic nerve injury: Impact on surface impedance measurements assessed via finite element analysis}, author={Ahad, MA and Rutkove, SB}, booktitle={Journal of Physics: Conference Series}, volume={224}, number={1}, pages={012101}, year={2010}, organization={IOP Publishing} } @article{ahad2010correlation, title={Correlation between muscle electrical impedance data and standard neurophysiologic parameters after experimental neurogenic injury}, author={Ahad, M and Rutkove, SB}, journal={Physiological measurement}, volume={31}, number={11}, pages={1437}, year={2010}, publisher={IOP Publishing} } @article{wang2011assessment, title={Assessment of alterations in the electrical impedance of muscle after experimental nerve injury via finite-element analysis}, author={Wang, Lucy L and Ahad, Mohammad and McEwan, Alistair and Li, Jia and Jafarpoor, Mina and Rutkove, Seward B}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering}, volume={58}, number={6}, pages={1585--1591}, year={2011}, publisher={IEEE} } @inproceedings{chanmugam2012thermal, title={Thermal analysis of 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measurements of muscle via the finite element method}, author={Jafarpoor, Mina and Li, Jia and White, Jacob K and Rutkove, Seward B}, journal={IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering}, volume={60}, number={5}, pages={1446--1452}, year={2013}, publisher={IEEE} } @inproceedings{rabbi2015analyzing, title={Analyzing temperature dependence of Electrical Impedance Myography parameters using finite element model}, author={Rabbi, Khondokar MF and Baidya, Somen and Ahad, Mohammad A}, booktitle={SoutheastCon 2015}, pages={1--2}, year={2015}, organization={IEEE} } @inproceedings{baidya2015identifying, title={Identifying least affected parameters in analyzing Electrical Impedance Myography with alteration in subcutaneous fat thickness via finite element model}, author={Baidya, Somen and Rabbi, Khondokar MF and Bhattacharya, Sylvia and Ahad, Mohammad A}, booktitle={SoutheastCon 2015}, pages={1--3}, year={2015}, organization={IEEE} } @article{baidya2016assessment, title={Assessment of Optimized Electrode Configuration for Electrical Impedance Myography Using Genetic Algorithm via Finite Element Model}, author={Baidya, Somen and Ahad, Mohammad A}, journal={Journal of medical engineering}, volume={2016}, year={2016}, publisher={Hindawi} } @inproceedings{martellosio2017exposure, title={Exposure limits and dielectric contrast for breast cancer tissues: Experimental results up to 50 GHz}, author={Martellosio, A and Espin-Lopez, PF and Pasian, M and Bozzi, M and Perregrini, L and Mazzanti, A and Svelto, F and Bellomi, M and Preda, L and Renne, G and others}, booktitle={2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP)}, pages={667--671}, year={2017}, organization={IEEE} } @article{sanchez2017electrical, title={Electrical impedance myography and its applications in neuromuscular disorders}, author={Sanchez, Benjamin and Rutkove, Seward B}, journal={Neurotherapeutics}, volume={14}, number={1}, pages={107--118}, year={2017}, publisher={Springer} } @article{cheng2018dielectric, title={Dielectric properties for non-invasive detection of normal, benign, and malignant breast tissues using microwave theories}, author={Cheng, Yiou and Fu, Minghuan}, journal={Thoracic cancer}, volume={9}, number={4}, pages={459--465}, year={2018}, publisher={Wiley Online Library} } @inproceedings{tarek2018detection, title={Detection of the breast cancer based on the electrical impedance myography parameters using finite element method}, author={Tarek, Md Nurul A and Jalal, Ahmed H and Alam, Fahmida and Ahad, Mohammad A}, booktitle={Smart Biomedical and Physiological Sensor Technology XV}, volume={10662}, pages={106620I}, year={2018}, organization={International Society for Optics and Photonics} } @article{tarek2019multi, title={Multi Frequency Assessment of the Electrical Impedance Myography Parameters on 3D Malignant Breast}, author={Tarek, Md Nurul A and Alam, Fahmida and Jalal, Ahmed Hasnain and Ahad, Mohammad A}, journal={MRS Advances}, volume={4}, number={22}, pages={1285--1291}, year={2019}, publisher={Materials Research Society} } @unpublished{shahriar2020breastparametric, title={Parametric Study of Malignant Female Breast tumor Size, Position and Orientation on EIM Parameters}, author={Kabir, Shahriar and Ahad, Mohammad A}, booktitle={SoutheastCon 2020}, year={2020}, publisher={IEEE} }
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