Term of Award

Summer 2014

Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.)

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)


Department of Art

Committee Chair

Patricia Walker

Committee Member 1

Julie McGuire

Committee Member 2

Marc Mitchell


This thesis, Fragmented, outlines Rebel’s explorations with materials and techniques that led to the creation of his current work that was presented in his MFA Exhibition. Fragmented focuses on elements of abandoned and ignored structures found in both urban and rural communities. Rebel is interested in the visual characteristics directly related to manufactured landscapes that have been reshaped by neglect, specifically, surfaces that appear old and weathered. The assemblages he makes in reference to these deserted sites do not comment on specific architectural locations. Instead, they are meant to emphasize common traits found at multiple sites. By working with repurposed industrial refuse, as well as materials commonly used in construction, Rebel aims to create artworks that highlight the qualities found in dilapidated, abandoned sites.
