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The presentations archived in this Georgia Southern Commons collection are produced by the faculty of the Department of Economics.

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GS Commons is an open-access digital repository. Copyright and licensing agreements for works published by GS Commons protect the author's rights while facilitating the sharing of research. The works in this gallery were originally published or presented under agreements with entities external to this repository. Records for each work provide the access permitted by the original copyright and licensing agreement. For additional access or questions about a work, please contact the authors or email the GS Commons team.


Submissions from 2009

Globalization, Freedom, and the Economic Status of Women in Latin America, Yassaman Saadatmand

Submissions from 2002

Economics in the Core Curriculum: Where to Start?, Anthony G. Barilla, Constantin Ogloblin, and Ludmilla Leontieva

Public Finance in the Closed Cities of Russia, Gregory Brock

Farm Efficiency and Productivity in Leningrad Oblast, Gregory Brock and Constantin Ogloblin

The Problematic Nature of Female Education in Afghanistan, Yassaman Saadatmand

Slave Price Differentials in Private and Public Auctions: An Empirical Test, Mark A. Yanochik, Mark Thornton, and Bradley T. Ewing

Submissions from 2001

African Regional Integration: A Pre-Condition toward Multilateral Liberalization, William Amponsah

A Framework for investigating Russian agricultural factor markets, Gregory Brock

Economics in the Core Curriculum, Gregory Brock

The Integration of Antebellum Slave Markets: a Time Series Analysis, Bradley T. Ewing, James E. Payne, Mark Thornton, and Mark Yanochik

International Capital Flows, and Domestic Financial Markets, Yassaman Saadatmand and Richard Cebula

Women’s Education and Structural Adjustment in Brazil, Yassaman Saadatmand and Lisa Lumrich

Structural Adjustment in Latin America and the Education of Females, Yassaman Saadatmand and Rick McGrath

The Weakening Link between Liberalization and Employment – the Indian Experience, Yassaman Saadatmand and K. C. Reddy

The NASDAQ Crash of 2000, U. Sridharan, R. Caines, and Mark Yanochik

Submissions from 1998

Third World Debt and The Status of Latin American Women, Yassaman Saadatmand

Submissions from 1997

Exploring a Regional Efficiency Frontier in the Former USSR, Gregory Brock

India Economic Reform: Some Emerging Issues, Yassaman Saadatmand and K. C. Reddy

Submissions from 1995

Development and Gender Inequality in the Muslim World, Yassaman Saadatmand

The Public Perception of the U.S. Government Expenditures, Yassaman Saadatmand and Khondker

Submissions from 1994

Are Russian Farms Efficient?, Gregory Brock

Separate and Unequal: Women in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Yassaman Saadatmand

Urban Female Labor in Islamic Republic of Iran, Yassaman Saadatmand

Submissions from 1992

Antithetical Effects of U.S. Military and Trade Policy, Yassaman Saadatmand

The U.S. Economy and Global Competitiveness, Yassaman Saadatmand and John Kearnes

Submissions from 1988

The Soviet Communications Industry, Gregory Brock