Tes Kaines diathekes apanta = Nouum Testamentum ex bibliotheca regia
Alternative Title
New Testament
Publication Date
Robert Stephanus
Place of Publication
Paris (Lutetiae)
Printer's device on title page of each volume; verso of final leaf of v. 2. Colophon from v. 2. Excvdebat Rob. Stephanvs typographvs regivs Parisiis idib. Ianvar. anno M. D. LXIX. Signatures: v. 1. *, **, a-z, A-H⁸ (H⁸ blank). v. 2. aa-zz, Aa⁸ (yy⁴ blank). Pagination: v. 1. 16 p. l., 494 p.; v. 2. 342 p., 20 leaves. V. 2. has title: Ai tou agiou Paulou epistolai. Ai katholikai epistolai. Apokalupsis tou agiou Ioannou tou theologou. "Diversae lectiones ex antiquissimis exemplaribus desumptae": 20 leaves following text in v. 2. The text follows the elder Estienne's first edition of 1546, and in size and type as well, it closely resembles both that and the edition of 1549, known as the "O mirificam" edition. Critical notes have been added from the 1550 folio ed. Two variant editions occur, differing in date given on the general title-page. Variant A has date 1568 on title-page, variant B has 1569. Colophon in both reads 1569. Foliated Greek initials; head-pieces.
2 v. ; 13 cm (16mo
Zach S. Henderson Library Call Number
Gift of Dr. A.B. Daniel in honor of Possie B.C. (Mrs. J.W.) Daniel, 1975.
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Rare Book, New Testament, Greek, Religion
Biblical Studies | Christian Denominations and Sects | Christianity | Digital Humanities | European History | History
Recommended Citation
Tes Kaines diathekes apanta = Nouum Testamentum ex bibliotheca regia, Special Collections at Zach S. Henderson Library, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Georgia.