Animal Subjectivities, Animal Assisted Therapy and Curriculum Studies

Document Type


Presentation Date

Summer 2014

Abstract or Description

Animal Subjectivities, Animal Assisted Therapy and Curriculum Studies (Morris) is a paper presentation that sets out to do two things. 1) Morris wants to show that nonhuman animals are complex creatures with complex subjectivities. Thus Morris examines the literature on animal subjectivity 2) Morris explores literature on what is termed Animal Assisted Therapy in connection with curriculum studies. Most scholars argue that AAT (Animal Assisted Therapy) must be carried out in a clinical setting (here dogs are considered helpers but not therapists) but Morris argues that dogs are therapists and this kind of therapy (dog-therapy) can be carried out anywhere and especially in educative settings. AAT scholars argue that AAT is meant to help people with all kinds of physical and mental disabilities such as: reading disabilities, mental illness, blindness, deafness, epilepsy, speech problems, battle injuries, those suffering from PTSD from school shootings, Down Syndrome and autism.


Curriculum Studies Summer Collaborative Conference (CSSC)


Savannah, GA
