Sources of Stylization: Mass Politics and Conformity in Youth Popular Culture and Politics


Youth popular culture and politics react to the larger adult environment in which they are limited and contained, usually through stylized uses of popular culture and technology. This paper explores what exactly Gen Z and those below millennials are responding to when they assert both the self and a political style seemingly incompatible with “street” politics. The use of irony and misdirection form a large part of contemporary youth strategies to attract the attention of elites and adult populations.

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Jun 10th, 2:30 PM Jun 10th, 3:45 PM

Sources of Stylization: Mass Politics and Conformity in Youth Popular Culture and Politics

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Youth popular culture and politics react to the larger adult environment in which they are limited and contained, usually through stylized uses of popular culture and technology. This paper explores what exactly Gen Z and those below millennials are responding to when they assert both the self and a political style seemingly incompatible with “street” politics. The use of irony and misdirection form a large part of contemporary youth strategies to attract the attention of elites and adult populations.