About this Collection

The presentations archived in this Georgia Southern Commons collection are produced by the faculty of the Department of Computer Science in the Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing at Georgia Southern University.

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GS Commons is an open-access digital repository. Copyright and licensing agreements for works published by GS Commons protect the author's rights while facilitating the sharing of research. The works in this gallery were originally published or presented under agreements with entities external to this repository. Records for each work provide the access permitted by the original copyright and licensing agreement. For additional access or questions about a work, please contact the authors or email the GS Commons team.



Submissions from 2022

Neural Networks based Analysis of Brain Computer Interface Data for Attention Quantification, Felix G. Hamza-Lup and Anca O. Muresan

Visuo-Haptic Technology for Complex Concepts Presentation, Felix G. Hamza-Lup and Anca O. Muresan

Attention and Meditation Quantification using Neural Networks, Anca O. Muresan and Felix G. Hamza-Lup

Submissions from 2021

Effects of Virtual Humans’ Gender and Spoken Accent on Users’ Perceptions of Expertise in Mental Wellness Conversations, P. G. Feijóo-García, M. Zalake, A. Gomes de Siqueira, B. Lok, and Felix G. Hamza-Lup


The Benefits of Engaging in International Collaborations Erasmus+, Felix G. Hamza-Lup

Finding approximate analytical solutions of differential equations using Neural Networks with self-adaptive training sets, Felix G. Hamza-Lup, Ionut E. Iacob, and James A. Orgeron


Web-based 3D Visualization System for Anatomy Online Instruction, Eli MacLean, Felix G. Hamza-Lup, April W. Garrity, Casey Keck, and Michelle Smith

Submissions from 2020

Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Generation Z’s Addiction, Ioana R. Goldbach and Felix Hamza-Lup

Attention Patterns Detection using Brain Computer Interfaces, Felix G. Hamza-Lup, Aditya Suri, Ionut Iacob, Ioana R. Goldbach, Lateef Rasheed, and Paul N. Borza

Submissions from 2017

Advanced Interaction Through Touch, Felix G. Hamza-Lup

Discover Romania, Felix G. Hamza-Lup

Renewable Energy Sources, Energy Conservation and Applications, Felix G. Hamza-Lup

Development of a Soft Vaccine for Inoculation of Ciphertexts, Ray R. Hashemi

Extraction of the Essential Constituents of the S&P 500 Index, Ray R. Hashemi, Omid Ardakani, Azita Bahrami, and Jeffrey Young

Algorithms for Communication Scheduling in Data Gathering Network With Data Compression, Wenchang Luo, Yao Xu, Boyuan Gu, Weitian Tong, Randy Goebel, and Guohui Lin


Private matching and set intersection computation in multi-agent and industrial control systems, Amar Rasheed, A. Kenneth, Rabi N. Mahapatra, and Deepak Puthal


Learning Big Data on Spark for the Optimal IDW-Based Spatiotemporal Interpolation, Weitian Tong, Xiaolu Zhou, Lixin Li, Gina Besenyi, and Heather Yates

Submissions from 2015

3D User Interfaces Design, Felix G. Hamza-Lup

Development of Visuo-Haptic User Interfaces, Felix G. Hamza-Lup

Haptic User Interfaces: Paradigms and Applications, Felix G. Hamza-Lup

Haptic User Interfaces: Paradigms and Applications, Felix G. Hamza-Lup

Human Tactile System - Novel User Interfaces and Haptic Technology, Felix G. Hamza-Lup

Hybrid Course Delivery: Impact on Learning and Assessment, Felix G. Hamza-Lup

Novel User Interfaces using Web3D Technology, Felix G. Hamza-Lup

Patient Specific 3D Surfaces for Interactive Medical Planning and Training, Felix G. Hamza-Lup

X3D Sensor-based Thermal Maps for Residential and Commercial Buildings, Felix G. Hamza-Lup

X3D Sensor-based Thermal Maps for Residential and Commercial Buildings, Felix G. Hamza-Lup, Paul N. Borza, Dorin Dragut, and Marcel Maghiar

Patient Specific 3D Surfaces for Interactive Medical Planning and Training, Felix G. Hamza-Lup, Shane Farrar, and Eric Leon


Hybrid Course Delivery: Impact on Learning and Assessment, Felix G. Hamza-Lup and Stephen White

Keynote: Teaching programming in a problem-driven approach, Y. Daniel Liang

Approximability Smoothed Analysis, Weitian Tong

Approximation Algorithms for the Minimum Common Integer Partition (MCIP) Problem, Weitian Tong

Approximation Algorithms Under the Worst-Case Analysis and the Smoothed Analysis, Weitian Tong


An Automated Resource for Enhanced Differential Analysis, Kai Wang, Charles A. Phillips, Arnold M. Saxton, and Michael A. Langston

Submissions from 2011

Haptic Applications in Medical Simulation in Surgical Training-Dentistry, Felix G. Hamza-Lup


Multimodal Environments with Haptic Feedback for E-learning, Felix G. Hamza-Lup


A Survey of Visuo-Haptic Simulation in Surgical Training, Felix G. Hamza-Lup, Crenguta M. Bogdan, Dorin M. Popovici, and Ovidiu D. Costea


Haptic User Interface and Practice-based Learning for Minimally Invasive Surgerical Training, Felix G. Hamza-Lup, Adrian Seitan, Costin Petre, Mihai Polceanu, Crenguta M. Boghan, and Dorin M. Popovici

An Android Based Medication Reminder System: A Concept Analysis Approach, Ray R. Hashemi