Award Number

“ENERGY” Award 1609524

Lab Supervisor or Director

Rocio Alba-Flores

Principal Investigator

Valentin Soloiu

Document Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)

Presentation Year



Background- Photovoltaic (PV) cells produce the largest amount of electricity when they are directly facing the sun. Solar panels that use tracking systems to position the panel to constantly face the sun have the greatest efficiency. But, these systems are expensive.

Aim- Design a dual axis tracking solar panel with microcontroller and sensors (light, humidity, temperature, and compass) that are both cost effective and efficient. Sensors will be used to determine performance depending on environmental factors.

Ethics Statement: Researchers will keep honest, clear, and accurate records when collecting all data in lab and communication of information learned.

Academic Unit

College of Engineering and Computing


This research was supported by NSF RET Award: 1609524

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

NSF Module 1- Arduino Lab & Weather Station .pdf (127 kB)
Engineering in Science Module 1


NSF-RET, Energy award, Solar energy, Energy literacy

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Solar Energy R & D Project: Teachers Incorporating STEM- Modules to Yield an Energy Literate Generation

Background- Photovoltaic (PV) cells produce the largest amount of electricity when they are directly facing the sun. Solar panels that use tracking systems to position the panel to constantly face the sun have the greatest efficiency. But, these systems are expensive.

Aim- Design a dual axis tracking solar panel with microcontroller and sensors (light, humidity, temperature, and compass) that are both cost effective and efficient. Sensors will be used to determine performance depending on environmental factors.

Ethics Statement: Researchers will keep honest, clear, and accurate records when collecting all data in lab and communication of information learned.