Exploring Intersecting Identities through the Lenses of Theory and Practice: Woman, Worker, and Caregiver

Conference Strand

Practice, Strategies, Techniques, and Interventions


This presentation is designed to build knowledge and awareness of the challenges confronting diverse women balancing work and adult caregiving across the lifespan. Expanding knowledge of theory and research will help to equip counselors for work with women in caregiving roles, as well as for self-reflection as a current or future double-duty caregiver. In addition, practical strategies and resources will be identified to support women striving for balance. Culturally responsive employment policies and advocacy strategies will also be explored. Opportunities for small and large group breakout discussions and integration of professional and personal reflection and experience will be facilitated.


This presentation is designed to build knowledge and awareness of the challenges confronting women balancing careers and caregiving across the lifespan. Expanding knowledge of theory and research will help to equip counselors across the specializations for work with women in caregiving roles, as well as for self-care as we find ourselves balancing careers and caregiving. In addition, practical strategies and resources will be identified to support women striving for balance. Innovative employment policies and advocacy strategies will also be presented.

The presenter will balance time focused on building knowledge and familiarity with resources for women balancing careers and providing care to aging adults, and/or adults with special needs. Personal and professional experiences will be offered as context for the presentation of theory and research, as well as the identification of practical resources for both the caregiver and those for whom care is being provided. This will include opportunities for small and large group discussion, identification of potential resources, and integration of professional and personal reflection and experience among the audience.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Explore intersection of adult caregiving and work for diverse women
  2. Expand knowledge of theory and research regarding women, adult caregiving and work across the lifespan
  3. Raise awareness of resources, employment policy innovation and advocacy strategies


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Individual Presentations

Biographical Sketch

Dr. Amie Manis, NCC, LPC, ACS, BC-TMH is an Associate Chair in the Department of Counseling and Integrated Programs at Adler University. Throughout her 30-year career, she has been a leader in meeting the needs of under served populations in rural and urban areas in the fields of human services and counseling. She has served on local, state, and national boards, including the American Counseling Association, and the Virginia Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. She has served as the Editor of The Professional Counselor. While she has been recognized for excellence in teaching and mentoring, ethics, and leadership, she is most proud of the work being done by her students in their communities and in advancing the professionalization of counseling.


Room 147

Start Date

3-8-2024 2:05 PM

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Mar 8th, 2:05 PM

Exploring Intersecting Identities through the Lenses of Theory and Practice: Woman, Worker, and Caregiver

Room 147

This presentation is designed to build knowledge and awareness of the challenges confronting diverse women balancing work and adult caregiving across the lifespan. Expanding knowledge of theory and research will help to equip counselors for work with women in caregiving roles, as well as for self-reflection as a current or future double-duty caregiver. In addition, practical strategies and resources will be identified to support women striving for balance. Culturally responsive employment policies and advocacy strategies will also be explored. Opportunities for small and large group breakout discussions and integration of professional and personal reflection and experience will be facilitated.