This collection features presentations by current and former faculty and staff in the Department of Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Physics.
Faculty and staff may contribute works produced while serving at Georgia Southern by submitting copies to Please provide the version licensed by the copyright holder (e.g., the publisher) for open access publication following any mandatory embargo period.
Submissions from 1995
Steric and Electronic Effects in Coordination Complexes of Simple Ketones and Cobalt(II), Kevin Kiser and Jeffrey A. Orvis
General Chemistry Reform in the Laboratory, Jessica Orvis
Submissions from 1994
Dihydrogen Activation by Mixed Platinum- and Palladium-Gold Cluster Compounds. Homogeneous Catalytic H2-D2 Equilibration, Bert D. Chandler, Louis Pignolet, and Jeffery A. Orvis
Asymptotically correct shell theories with fluid loading for the thin spherical shell: new results, Cleon Dean and Michael F. Werby
The study of pulse returns from elongated elastic shells and the extraction of target characteristics, Cleon Dean and Michael F. Werby
Coordination Compounds of Simple Ketones and Cobalt(II), Raymond Knight, Kevin Kiser, and Jeffrey A. Orvis
Investigation of the Chemistry of Trinuclear Cobalt-Alkylidyne Clusters, Miranda Maxwell and Jeffrey A. Orvis
The study of pulse signals from elastic spheroidal shells near reflecting interfaces, Natalia Sidorovskaia, Cleon Dean, and Michael F. Werby
Salt Effects on the Reaction of p-Nitrophenylglyoxal with Arginine, Lindsey S. Stinson III and Michael O. Hurst
Salt Effects on the Reaction of p-Nitrophenylglyoxal with Arginine, Lindsey S. Stinson III and Michael O. Hurst
The Electrochemical Reduction of Pyridoxal Phosphate in Glycogen Phosphorylase, Russell D. Underhill, Michael O. Hurst, and Norman E. Schmidt
The Electrochemical Reduction of Pyridoxal Phosphate in Glycogen Phosphorylase, Russell D. Underhill, Michael Hurst, and Norman E. Schmidt
Submissions from 1993
Basic Research into Organometallic Clusters, Paul Caroll and Jeffery A. Orvis
Interactive Electromagnetic Scattering from Two Air Bubbles in Water: Computational Methods, Cleon Dean
Hamilton’s Principle and the Equations of Motion of an Elastic Shell with Proper Fluid Loading, Cleon Dean and Michael F. Werby
The prediction of pseudo-Stoneley resonances via proper fluid loading of thin shell theories, Cleon Dean and Michael F. Werby
The Complex Ion of Acetone and Cobalt(II), Raymond Knight and Jeffrey A. Orvis
Clusters, Surfaces and the Cluster/Surface Analogy, Jeffery A. Orvis
Do Bond Stretch Isomers Exist?, Jeffery A. Orvis
Isolation of a Compound from Milkweed with a Chromophore with a low pKa, Stephen W. Ward and Michael O. Hurst
Submissions from 1992
The Reaction of p-Nitrophenylglyoxal with Arginine, Ernest Carlton and Michael O. Hurst
Submissions from 1990
Kinetic Studies of Fluoride and Phosphate Inhibition of Wheat Germ Acid Phosphatase, Parks Medlock and Michael O. Hurst
Sequencing of a Dipeptide with Fluorodinitrobenzene using High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Michael Moody and Michael O. Hurst