Grappling with Nuances: Political Contexts and Economic Platforms in the 2016 General Election

Grappling with Nuances: Political Contexts and Economic Platforms in the 2016 General Election


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Date of Lecture



Armstrong State University, A Moveable Feast

Description of Lecture

Poilitical Science Professor Lara Wessel and Economics Professor Nicholas Mangee grapple with the nuances of Hillary Clinton’s and Donald Trump’s political and economic policies. Wessel will present an overview of both candidates’ policies, focusing on the embedded politics in their respective party’s platforms. She will emphasize the inter-party and intra-party rhetoric that has defined this election cycle, teasing out the potential short-term and long-term consequences for the political parties themselves, the electorate and the presidential election process. Mangee will survey the candidates’ most significant economic policy proposals. He will discuss how, throughout the campaigns, both Clinton and Trump have cultivated positions on immigration, wages, infrastructure, taxes, education and national defense. By highlighting their positions on these issues, he will compare their positions based on their implications for economic growth. Wessel holds a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Mangee earned a Ph.D. from the University of New Hampshire.


Dr. Lara Wessel, Department of Political Science, and Dr. Nicholas Mangee, Department of Economics Kennedy Pharmacy, 323 East Broughton St.

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Grappling with Nuances: Political Contexts and Economic Platforms in the 2016 General Election
