Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date

Spring 3-6-2023


This paper explores the novel context of secondbrand exchange, wherein traditional “firsthand” retail brands directly engaging in the reselling of their own previously used items. This research is the first to investigate how and why traditional brands engage in secondhand activities and to consider the influence of this strategy on consumer judgements about new products, used products, and the brand. The authors outline four consumer motives (frugality, sustainability, fashionability, and durability) for purchasing used items that are mapped onto strategic positioning for secondbrands. A framework of item transformation is introduced from refresh to renew to remake. Next, using brand extension, the authors suggest that consumers consider fit and direction of alignment when forming evaluations of secondbrands. Contagion theory informs how secondbrands may avoid negative stigma related to prior ownership and use and capitalize on positive associations. Research propositions are presented for future research to better understand this novel strategy.

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Marketing Commons
