Characteristics and Motivations of Die-hard Sport Fans

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Conference Track

Sport Marketing

Publication Date



Past research has examined the die-hard fans' characteristics, consumption behaviors, and attending motivation of avid sports fans. The study further evaluated those fans' characteristics and motivation through a series of qualitative interview questions based on the conceptual frameworks of loyalty, fan motivation, fan identity, and "sport-as-religion." The participants were 24 season- ticket holders of a midwest professional football team who also identified themselves as a fan of football, baseball, and basketball, and hockey. Their fanship varied from collegiate to professional level teams of various locations. Results showed die-hard fans' game-attending motivations were influenced by their family, popularity, and performance of players and geographic location. The recognition and identity of "true" fans were earned through strong dedication and knowledge toward their identified team(s). The obtained information inspired researchers to create a virtual football fan club. Recommendations for future research include increasing sample size and diversification of fans from various sports teams.

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