Is ‘Fair-Trade-Certified’ the New Green Marketing? Leveraging the Rise of the Ethical Shopper in America

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Conference Track

Service Marketing/ Non-Profit Marketing/ Ethics

Publication Date



Although Fair Trade marketing has enjoyed unprecedented growth in the United States over the last decade, most of the research on its effectiveness originates in Europe where the Fair Trade movement is considerably more mature and institutionalized. This paper offers a series of “lessons learned” based on the behavior of consumers and brands in the more advanced European market. Analysis is provided to illustrate how Fair Trade marketing in Europe has progressed through the stages of Process → Product → Place → Community over the last forty years. An equivalent but considerably accelerated progression is apparent in North America. The paper suggest ways domestic marketers can benefit from decades of European practice and crystallized knowledge concerning the leveraging of fair trade marketing for effectively building brands.

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