Required Donations: Prospect Theory & Framing of Per-Seat Contributions in Intercollegiate Athletics

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Conference Track

Sport Marketing

Publication Date



While prospect theory has been used to examine donations to non-profit organizations, relatively few have examined prospect theory and the framing of per-seat contributions (PSC) in intercollegiate athletic donations. The purpose of this paper is to examine how PSCs are framed, and attempt to understand the affects of different frames on consumer perceptions and behavior. In doing so, we apply prospect theory to explain how framing the outcome can change preferences and ultimately purchase behavior. In addition to prospect theory, measurements for fan identification, price fairness (equity theory), and exchange theory are examined. Throughout the overview of our theoretical framework, 11 propositions are presented. Following the theoretical framework section, potential research analyses are proposed to test the propositions. Finally, conclusions and managerial implications are discussed.

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