Metadiscrete Experiential Learning4.0: Integrating Sales-Training with Research, Customer Service, and Scholarly Service Components

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Conference Track

Sport Marketing

Publication Date



The value of experiential learning within a sport-management curriculum is well established (Gladden and McDonald, 1999; Irwin, Author, & Sutton, 2007; McKelvey & Author, 2008; Parkhouse, 1996; Scott, Seidler, & Lough, 1999; Author, Nagel, LeGrande, & Han, 2003). In addition, linking theoretical content with hands-on practical experiences has a long educational history. Rogers (1969) detailed two distinct learning typologies: cognitive and experiential, and posited that cognitive learning had much less significance to the learner. Applied experientially-grounded learning is significant because it meets the needs and wants of the learner, allowing direct experience of the reality being studied (Kolb, 1976, Rogers, Author et al., 2003). In addition, experiential learning allows learners to reflect on their learning experiences and attach appropriate significance through such reflection (Author et al.; Irwin et al.; McKelvey & Author). In Author et al.’s (2003) metadiscrete experiential learning (MEL) model, sport-management faculty members assume the role of faculty mentor within a non-traditional class “business” setting. This presentation will summarize relevant research and provide an overview of the metadiscrete experiential learning model, using application of the model in an integrated marketing, sales-training, and event-management setting. Discussion will highlight the framework’s advantages and challenges. In addition, the symposium will present results of pre and post student surveys designed to assess student knowledge, skills and attitudes resulting from the MEL.

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