Multidisciplinary POGIL: A faculty learning community

Laura Frost, Florida Gulf Coast University
Abbie Parham, Georgia Southern University
Trent W. Maurer, Georgia Southern University
Joanne Chopak-Foss, Georgia Southern University, Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health
Rose M. Gee, Georgia Southern University
Alison Rushing, Georgia Southern University
Dena Hale, Georgia Southern University
Linda Mullen
Cathie Johnson, Georgia Southern University
Donald Slater, Georgia Southern University

Copyright belongs to authors


The objective of this session is to discuss among multiple disciplines the use of a learning approach called Process-Oriented Guided-Inquiry Learning (POGIL) originally developed by chemistry educators. The panel will be comprised of faculty in the disciplines of marketing, accounting, foreign languages, nursing, health education, construction management, and child & family development who have adapted this approach to their discipline. The session begins with an overview of the POGIL approach. Each of the panelists will then provide a discipline specific example adapting the approach and demonstrate how the approach has affected student learning. This will be followed by a work session where audience members will be encouraged to think about a topic in their class that they might deliver via guided inquiry in the classroom. Audience members will be able to better frame in class activities in a guided inquiry format at the conclusion of this session.