
Session 3: Room 259, Session 1

Start Date

24-2-2023 12:00 PM

End Date

24-2-2023 12:25 PM

First Presenter's Brief Biography

Dr. Jane Strong is Assistant Professor of Special Education at Middle GA State University. Dr. Strong teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in special education, positive behavior support, classroom management and clinical and field supervision. Dr. Strong's career included many years as a special education teacher, school and district administrator and large suburban district Director of Special Education.

Presentation Type

Concurrent Session


Special education teachers face many challenges every day. This session will provide tried and true "Top Ten Tips" for running successful special education IEP meetings. Knowing what to expect and how to prepare for an IEP meeting is key to your successful leadership as a confident, caring and collaborative special educator. Use the terminology from our field of high leverage practices and specially designed instruction with confidence. Participants will learn the top ten tips and then apply them in discussions of frequently encountered scenarios.

Conference Strands

Induction Teachers (3 years or fewer)


The conference session is designed to be relevant for induction and / or pre-service teachers who are still learning about the real world of running an IEP meeting for one of their students with disabilities. The top ten tips are derived from direct experience in public schools in the field of special education and training induction and pre-service teachers. Parents, administrators and teacher colleagues rely on the special education case manager to be prepared and confident in leading the IEP Team through stressful conversations. According to the High Leverage Practice (HLP)# 2, teachers must organize and facilitate effective meetings with professionals and families (McLeskey et. al, 2017). Teachers have to be familiar with the terminology of HLP and specially designed instruction (SDI) during meetings (Riccomini et al, 2017). This session will arm new teachers with methods of relaying confidence and knowledge in high stress meetings.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
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Education Commons


Feb 24th, 12:00 PM Feb 24th, 12:25 PM

The Top Ten Tips for a Successful IEP Meeting

Session 3: Room 259, Session 1

Special education teachers face many challenges every day. This session will provide tried and true "Top Ten Tips" for running successful special education IEP meetings. Knowing what to expect and how to prepare for an IEP meeting is key to your successful leadership as a confident, caring and collaborative special educator. Use the terminology from our field of high leverage practices and specially designed instruction with confidence. Participants will learn the top ten tips and then apply them in discussions of frequently encountered scenarios.