Type of Presentation

Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)

Target Audience

Higher Education


Room 1220 A/B


Social media outlets dominate the way many library users consume information and communicate with others. In an effort to promote information literacy instruction beyond the classroom and to spread awareness about the library, this session examines the integration of information literacy concepts into an academic library’s social media platforms. Looking to the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for inspiration, the presenters discuss how they developed and implemented a content strategy for the library and government document social media pages which included monthly themes, promotion of services, and more interactive content. The presenters consider what types of content worked well, what did not, and steps for assessing and improving content to reach more users. This presentation aims to inspire new ideas about ways to discuss information literacy and to encourage others to explore what social media platforms would work best for their libraries, design content to engage users, and develop strategies for navigating social media in today’s partisan environment.

Presentation Description

In an effort to promote information literacy instruction beyond the classroom and to spread awareness about the library, this session examines the integration of information literacy concepts into an academic library’s social media platforms. Looking to the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for inspiration, the presenters discuss how they developed a content strategy for the library and government document social media pages which included monthly themes, promotion of services, and more interactive content.


ACRL Framework for Information Literacy, social media, engagement

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)

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Sep 28th, 1:50 PM Sep 28th, 2:10 PM

Going Viral with IL: Integrating Information Literacy into Your Library’s Social Media

Room 1220 A/B

Social media outlets dominate the way many library users consume information and communicate with others. In an effort to promote information literacy instruction beyond the classroom and to spread awareness about the library, this session examines the integration of information literacy concepts into an academic library’s social media platforms. Looking to the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for inspiration, the presenters discuss how they developed and implemented a content strategy for the library and government document social media pages which included monthly themes, promotion of services, and more interactive content. The presenters consider what types of content worked well, what did not, and steps for assessing and improving content to reach more users. This presentation aims to inspire new ideas about ways to discuss information literacy and to encourage others to explore what social media platforms would work best for their libraries, design content to engage users, and develop strategies for navigating social media in today’s partisan environment.