Type of Presentation

Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)

Target Audience

Higher Education


Room 218


See presentation description.

Presentation Description

At an urban, commuting college, the contexts of city-living and a non-traditional student body present particular challenges to faculty from all disciplines who want to learn productive approaches and techniques to improve their students’ reading, writing, and research abilities. In cooperation, librarians and English department faculty can join their expertise to offer resources and strategies to ameliorate the traditional literacies of reading and writing as well as new literacy demands such as information retrieval and database navigation skills. Librarians and composition instructors also share common concerns when designing workshops for faculty development. What types of faculty development will best present the classroom strategies that will assist instructors to help students? What workshop materials and approaches could most benefit their teaching? How can the collaboration of library and composition/rhetoric experts sponsor a campus’ culture of literacy? How can all of this faculty development be accomplished with a busy urban, commuting faculty? The panelists of this presentation discuss the funding, policies, and institutional structures that allowed them to promote their faculty development initiatives. With the presentation attendees, they will enact some of the workshop techniques they have used and share the various types of workshops they offer faculty for the college’s writing intensive certification: day-long seminars, lunchtime discussions, internet resources, and faculty “homework” assignments. Their presentation underscores how cross-disciplinary faculty development ensures literacy and justice for all.


Library-faculty collaboration, Faculty development, Information literacy

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)


Sep 26th, 9:45 AM Sep 26th, 10:45 AM

Justice (through Literacy) for All: Library/English Collaboration and Faculty Development

Room 218

See presentation description.