Asset Based Pedagogy
Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy: A Needed Change in Stance, Terminology, and Practice, Django Paris
The Theory and Practice of Culturally Relevant Education, Brittany Aronson and Judson Laughter
"Yes, But How Do We Do It? Practicing Cultural Relevant Pedagogy, Gloria Ladson-Billings
Cross Cultural Interaction
Historical Context in the Americas
Activity 2: Narratives during the Jim Crow Era
American Indian Boarding Schools Haunt Many
Anti-Chinese USA - Racism & Discrimination from the Onset, Zak Keith
A Report on the Status of Hispanics in Education: Overcoming a History of Neglect, Richard Verdugo
Asian American History Timeline
Black Immigration Is Remaking U.S. Black Population, Report Says, Fredrick Kunkle
Common Native American Stereotypes Debunked, Shannon Ridgway
Dr. Suess Goes to War: The World War II Editorial Cartoons of Theodore Seuss Geisel, Richard H. Minear
First Wave of Jamaican Immigration
History and Culture: Boarding Schools
Immigrants from the Middle East, Steven A. Camarota
Korean Immigrants in the United States, Jie Zong and Jeanne Batalova
More Middle Eastern Students Come to the U.S., Find Surprises, Devon Haynie
Muslim Americans: Current Political Climate Worse Than After 9/11, Gregory Krieg
My Dungeon Shook – A Letter to Baldwin’s Nephew on the 100th Anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, James Baldwin
Refugee Children's Adaptation to American Early Childhood Classrooms: A Narrative Inquiry, Megan A. Prior
Study Finds Majority of Muslims Have Faced Bullying at School, Jill Tucker
The Chinese in America: Becoming a Model Minority, Leslie Lynn
U.S. Census Bureau 2000 Data - Ancestry with Largest Population by County
Was the Civil War about Slavery?, PragerU
Ways Teachers Can Help Refugee Students: Some Suggestions, National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Welcoming Refugee Students: Strategies for Classroom Teachers, Bureau of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance (BRIA)
White Man's Guilt, James Baldwin
Immigrants & Migrant Workers
The Harvest/La Cosecha: The Story of the Children Who Feed America
What Part of Legal Immigration Don't You Understand?, Mike Flynn and Shikha Dalmia
Race & Ethnicity
10 Ways Well-Meaning White Teachers Bring Racism Into Our Schools, Jamie Utt
Black Man - Black History Month, Stevie Wonder
Buffalo Soldier, Bob Marley
Common Native American Stereotypes Debunked, Shannon Ridgway
Five-Minute Film Festival: Talking About Race and Stereotypes, Keyana Stevens
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, Peggy McIntosh
Socioeconomic Diversity
Crash (film), Paul Haggis and Bob Yari
Teacher as Change Agent
A Talk to Teachers, James Baldwin
Willing to Be Disturbed, Margaret J. Wheatley
Teaching English Learners
Create a Responsive Learning Community for ELLs, Yu Ren Dong
Effective Instruction for English Learners, Margarita Calderón, Robert Slavin, and Marta Sánchez
Expanding Middle School Horizons: Integrating Language, Culture, and Social Studies, Deborah J. Short
Language Objectives: The Key to Effective Content Area Instruction for English Learners, Jennifer Himmel
Making Content Comprehensible for English Language Learners - SIOP Model SHELTERED INSTRUCTION - for Academic Achievement, Bilingual and Compensatory Education Resource Team, Dearborn Public Schools
Problem-Solving Support for English Language Learners, Lynda R. Wiest
Teaching English Language Learners in the Content Areas, Joy Janzen
Teaching English Language Learners: What the Research Does - And Does Not - Say, Claude Goldenberg
Teaching English Learners the SIOP Way, Susan Hanson and Canisius Filibert