

The focus on the self-referential as a means of destabilizing reality and calling attention to the artificial nature of life may be noted in a number of films of the Spanish post-Civil War period, among them José Antonio Berlanga’s Bienvenido, Mr. Marshall and Juan Antonio Bardem’s Calle Mayor. Through their use of metacinematic devices such as distancing techniques, parody, and the incorporation of performance and cinematic models, the constructed nature of provincial life and Spanish identity is exposed, ushering in a new era of Spanish cinema.

Bio Note

Lucy F. Lee is professor of Spanish and Chair of the Department of Classical and Modern Languages at Truman State University. She earned Ph.D. and M.A. degrees from the University of Kentucky and her B.A. from Wesleyan College. Research interests include narrative and film of the Spanish post-Civil War period and the contemporary period.

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