

This article underlines the traits that support the narrative of Lucía Etxebarría in her up-front compromise to unveil and denounce the reality of the Spanish women’s position in the new millennium. The literary universe of Etxebarría, full of false gains, preconditioned determinations, and unreachable expectations, redundantly questions a reality in which women of Spain are immersed, all tricks that if seen from the distance, appear to transfer the practicing of equality mandated by new laws without difficulty.

Bio Note

Lydia Masanet is an Associate Professor of Spanish and Women Gender Studies at Mercer University. Born in Barcelona, Lydia’s primary research interests concentrate on contemporary women writers of Spain. She has published La autobiografía femenina española contemporánea and numerous other articles. Her doctorate degree was awarded by The University of Southern California in 1991. She received an M.A from UC - Boulder in 1986.

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