

In La Sorcière, Jules Michelet uses the strength and the myth of the Medea character, which had already fascinated Corneille. In the second part of his work, Michelet creates nominative witches after authentic texts. In the first part, he creates an allegoric witch on the Medea model: the Woman, a victim of arbitrariness, injustice and repression, rises up against her oppressors, figuring the march of Humanity towards Enlightenment and Liberty. The analogies between the Witch and Medea are therefore numerous and necessary, since they help to render the defense of the oppressed against the oppressor. Would the somber Medea, descendant of the Sun, eventually help Man to get closer to the Lights?

Bio Note

Dr. Caroline Strobbe is an Associate Professor of French at The Citadel. In addition to teaching, she regularly leads study-abroad programs in France during the Summer. She holds a Ph.D. in French Literature and a French Law Degree, and she has published articles on caricatures and literature, as well as on law in literature.

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