

This article explores the articulation of exile identity in the novel Sola by María José de Chopitea published in Mexico in 1954. Until now, critics have approached this text as lacking ideological argument. I propose an alternative reading of the novel as an ideologically charged narrative that articulates the nation beyond state borders and in terms of a transatlantic bond between Mexico and the Spanish Republic. Sola creates space in the nation for Catalan female writers who were previously excluded due to both their gender and their status as political exiles and cultural minorities.

Bio Note

Valeriya has received her PhD in Hispanic Literatures from Indiana University, Bloomington and currently is an Assistant Professor of Spanish at Brescia University in Owensboro, KY. She studies the ways in which Spanish, Catalan and Basque women writers exiled in Latin America contested the mainstream narratives of the nation, exile and the Atlantic.

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