Volume 17, Issue 2 (1991)
The Southern Business Review was published by the Georgia Southern University College of Business from 1975-2013. The journal issues are available in electronic format through Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. The issues are also available in print format from the University Libraries, Zach S. Henderson Library collection.
The Relationship of Extent of Usage of Communication Methods and Occupational Types
Virginia Saiki Orban and Marcia Wright Kassner
Issues in the Hiring and Tenuring of Business Faculty Couples: A Survey of Business Department Chairpersons
Stephen B. Knouse, Larry E. Scheuermann, and Sandra B. Scheuermann
Subsequent Events for Companies Receiving Going Concern Audit Opinions
Philip Little and Harry McAlum
The End of the Telecommunication Monopoly: Subsequent Residential Customer Choice Among Long Distance Carriers
James F. Snyder, Paul T. Nelson, and Catherine C. Morris
Mexico's Opening to Foreign Direct Investment
James K. Weekly