Volume 13, Issue 1 (1987)
The Southern Business Review was published by the Georgia Southern University College of Business from 1975-2013. The journal issues are available in electronic format through Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. The issues are also available in print format from the University Libraries, Zach S. Henderson Library collection.
Excess Returns and Preferred Stock Rating Changes
Jerry G. Hunt and Allen Rappaport
Stabilizing Money Market Equity Funds*
R. Stafford Johnson and Lyle Fiore
Requested, Recommended and Allowed Returns to Equity: Serendipity or Substance
R. Charles Moyer, Raymond E. Spudeck, and David B. Cox
A Budgeting Model for Analysis of Subsidized Programs
John J. Bernardo and Alan Reinstein
Bankruptcy Costs Using Equivalent Risk Classes: An Empirical Study
Terrance R. Skantz and Thomas H. Strickland