Volume 1, Issue 2 (1975)
The Southern Business Review was published by the Georgia Southern University College of Business from 1975-2013. The journal issues are available in electronic format through Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. The issues are also available in print format from the University Libraries, Zach S. Henderson Library collection.
Pricing Theory Revisited: The Small Business or "Peripheral" Market
John H. Jackson and Donald E. Vinson
Transactional Analysis in Managerial and Supervisory Training and Development Programs
Trudy Knox and Betty Yantis
Communication and Acquantanceship Among Managers of Competitive Firms: An Exploratory Study
Craig C. Lundberg
A New Look at Earmarking
Mark G. Simkin
Uncertainty, Grades and Student Evaluations
Justin D. Stolen
Finding the Low Day in Cash Budgeting
Lon M. Carnes