Structural Design and Fabrication of a test chamber to develop PPEs for effective particle filtration
Room 1300
Session Format
Oral Presentation
Your Campus
Statesboro Campus- Henderson Library, April 20th
Co-Presenters and Faculty Mentors or Advisors
Aniruddha Mitra - Faculty Mentor
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Presentation Type and Release Option
Presentation (Open Access)
Start Date
4-18-2023 9:00 AM
End Date
4-18-2023 10:00 AM
Recommended Citation
Adharsingh, Matthew, "Structural Design and Fabrication of a test chamber to develop PPEs for effective particle filtration" (2023). GS4 Georgia Southern Student Scholars Symposium. 37.
Structural Design and Fabrication of a test chamber to develop PPEs for effective particle filtration
Room 1300