Neuro-cognitive Test of the Upper Extremity Assessing the Reliability of the Blaze Pods for Upper Extremity Reactive Open Kinetic Chain Stability Test (UEROKCST)

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Author #2
Author #3


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Return to sport is a complex process that requires monitoring and consistent repetitive testing of an athlete’s condition following an injury or surgery. A standard clinical test to determine if an athlete is cleared to return to sport is the Closed Kinetic Chain Upper Extremity Stability. This test is pre-programmed and predictable, and opposite of the real sport environment which requires an athlete to react to an opposing player or ball at any moment. Moreover, many sports occur in an open kinetic chain position, so it is important to establish a return to sport test that mimics the real sporting environment for ecological validity. The purpose of this study was to establish the reliability of the Blaze Pods for Upper Extremity Reactive Open Kinetic Chain Stability Test (UEROKCST). METHODS: 30 participants completed 2 sessions, separated by 5-7 days. Outcome variables were average reaction time (ms) and number of touches during the Upper Extremity Reactive Open Kinetic Chain Stability Test (UEROKCST). UEROKCST consists of reacting to lights placed in positions shown to be susceptible to injury (e.g., flexion, scaption, abduction, and 90/90). Dominant and non-dominant limbs were tested. Intraclass correlations were conducted to evaluate the reliability of the UEROKCST.

RESULTS: Final testing is being completed and preliminary results will be presented at the symposium.

DISCUSSION: If the UEROKCST is reliable, it provides another ecologically valid test to enhance the clinical decision making for return to sports.


Neuro-cognitive Test of the Upper Extremity Assessing the Reliability of the Blaze Pods for Upper Extremity Reactive Open Kinetic Chain Stability Test (UEROKCST)

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Return to sport is a complex process that requires monitoring and consistent repetitive testing of an athlete’s condition following an injury or surgery. A standard clinical test to determine if an athlete is cleared to return to sport is the Closed Kinetic Chain Upper Extremity Stability. This test is pre-programmed and predictable, and opposite of the real sport environment which requires an athlete to react to an opposing player or ball at any moment. Moreover, many sports occur in an open kinetic chain position, so it is important to establish a return to sport test that mimics the real sporting environment for ecological validity. The purpose of this study was to establish the reliability of the Blaze Pods for Upper Extremity Reactive Open Kinetic Chain Stability Test (UEROKCST). METHODS: 30 participants completed 2 sessions, separated by 5-7 days. Outcome variables were average reaction time (ms) and number of touches during the Upper Extremity Reactive Open Kinetic Chain Stability Test (UEROKCST). UEROKCST consists of reacting to lights placed in positions shown to be susceptible to injury (e.g., flexion, scaption, abduction, and 90/90). Dominant and non-dominant limbs were tested. Intraclass correlations were conducted to evaluate the reliability of the UEROKCST.

RESULTS: Final testing is being completed and preliminary results will be presented at the symposium.

DISCUSSION: If the UEROKCST is reliable, it provides another ecologically valid test to enhance the clinical decision making for return to sports.