The Effects of Georgia Southerns Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
Session 3 (Room 1302)
Session Format
Oral Presentation
Your Campus
Statesboro Campus- Henderson Library, April 20th
Academic Unit
College of Education
Research Area Topic:
Education & Learning - Teaching, Learning & Human Development
Co-Presenters and Faculty Mentors or Advisors
Co-Presenter: Edie Grice
Advisor: Dr. Karen Fisher
In the United States the percentage of students with disabilities (SWD) is rising while the graduation rate is staggering behind the graduation rate of students without disabilities. Research has shown that higher education facilities have limited knowledge on how to assist their SWD due to lack of studies on the in-depth experience of SWD during their time in higher education, thus creating a lack of information distributed to faculty on how to best accommodate their SWDs. The goal of this study is to gain insight on the current status of SWD regarding their feelings of the assistance provided by Georgia Southern University to find how to best meet their needs. To best understand the opinions of a large group an online survey was conducted using multiple choice questions and short answer questions. To review this data cross-tabulation analysis was used. From the preliminary results we see that a majority of the students at Georgia Southern find that the professors are extremely helpful at implementing their accommodations. A large percentage of students found it easy to obtain the accommodations they needed. Many students reported that they are satisfied with their accommodations provided through the Student Accessibility Resource Center (SARC). Some students do struggle with communicating with their professors to get their accommodations to be implemented at the level that they need to ensure their success. Often there also seems to be a lack of communication between the SARC and the professors. From these results it can be determined that the students with disabilities at Georgia Southern University are overall satisfied with the SARC and the accommodations that it provides them. The area in which can be improved is within the communication between the student, professor and the SARC.
Program Description
Are Georgia Southern Students with Disabilities being accommodated in a way that ensures success? In this study we are finding how students with disabilities are able to use the accommodations to assist them in graduating with their degree of choice and their feelings on the assistance that they are receiving.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Presentation Type and Release Option
Presentation (Open Access)
Start Date
4-20-2022 2:15 PM
End Date
4-20-2022 3:15 PM
Recommended Citation
Siddell, Reagan and Grice, Edie, "The Effects of Georgia Southerns Accommodations for Students with Disabilities" (2022). GS4 Georgia Southern Student Scholars Symposium. 47.
The Effects of Georgia Southerns Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
Session 3 (Room 1302)
In the United States the percentage of students with disabilities (SWD) is rising while the graduation rate is staggering behind the graduation rate of students without disabilities. Research has shown that higher education facilities have limited knowledge on how to assist their SWD due to lack of studies on the in-depth experience of SWD during their time in higher education, thus creating a lack of information distributed to faculty on how to best accommodate their SWDs. The goal of this study is to gain insight on the current status of SWD regarding their feelings of the assistance provided by Georgia Southern University to find how to best meet their needs. To best understand the opinions of a large group an online survey was conducted using multiple choice questions and short answer questions. To review this data cross-tabulation analysis was used. From the preliminary results we see that a majority of the students at Georgia Southern find that the professors are extremely helpful at implementing their accommodations. A large percentage of students found it easy to obtain the accommodations they needed. Many students reported that they are satisfied with their accommodations provided through the Student Accessibility Resource Center (SARC). Some students do struggle with communicating with their professors to get their accommodations to be implemented at the level that they need to ensure their success. Often there also seems to be a lack of communication between the SARC and the professors. From these results it can be determined that the students with disabilities at Georgia Southern University are overall satisfied with the SARC and the accommodations that it provides them. The area in which can be improved is within the communication between the student, professor and the SARC.