American Identity and the “Lost Battalion” in World War 1
Oral Presentations (Ballroom B)
Session Format
Paper Presentation
Research Area Topic:
Humanities & Social Sciences - History
Co-Presenters and Faculty Mentors or Advisors
Mentor: Allison Belzer
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Presentation Type and Release Option
Presentation (Open Access)
Start Date
4-24-2019 1:25 PM
End Date
4-24-2019 1:45 PM
Recommended Citation
Robles, David, "American Identity and the “Lost Battalion” in World War 1" (2019). GS4 Georgia Southern Student Scholars Symposium. 15.
American Identity and the “Lost Battalion” in World War 1
Oral Presentations (Ballroom B)