Nessmith-Lane Atrium
Session Format
Poster Presentation
Research Area Topic:
Engineering and Material Sciences - Nature Inspired Materials
Co-Presenters and Faculty Mentors or Advisors
R. L. Quirino (Georgia Southern University)
My name is Robert Kazen, a student directed under Dr. Rafael Quirino currently working on the Lignin Modification project. The research project involves the isolation of lignin from black liquor, a byproduct produced by the paper pulping industry. Isolated chemically the lignin was then modified using two methods, (1) acrylation acid and (2) transesterification with tung oil modifications. The black liquor obtained was sent by the Arizona Chemical and Herty Advanced Materials Development Center. Currently the tung oil modification gives the most valuable product physically and its products will be mainly used for particle board creation and testing. The tung oil modification process involves the mixing of tung oil, lignin, and sodium hydroxide in a round bottom flask with a stir bar inside. The flask will sit in a water bath heated at 50 degrees Celsius for two hours. The modified lignin will then be used to create particle boards which will be tested for strength and durability. The expected results would be to create a particle board that can replace formaldehyde in construction material. This substitute can prevent future formaldehyde poisoning. The success of this project will allow the research to expand other branches of material science to replace other hazardous materials with biodegradable polymers made from lignin.
Georgia Southern University, Research Symposium, Particle boards, Lignin, Lignin modification project
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Presentation Type and Release Option
Presentation (Open Access)
Start Date
4-16-2016 2:45 PM
End Date
4-16-2016 4:00 PM
Recommended Citation
Kazen, Robbie, "Particle Boards Created from Modified Lignin" (2016). GS4 Georgia Southern Student Scholars Symposium. 40.
Particle Boards Created from Modified Lignin
Nessmith-Lane Atrium
My name is Robert Kazen, a student directed under Dr. Rafael Quirino currently working on the Lignin Modification project. The research project involves the isolation of lignin from black liquor, a byproduct produced by the paper pulping industry. Isolated chemically the lignin was then modified using two methods, (1) acrylation acid and (2) transesterification with tung oil modifications. The black liquor obtained was sent by the Arizona Chemical and Herty Advanced Materials Development Center. Currently the tung oil modification gives the most valuable product physically and its products will be mainly used for particle board creation and testing. The tung oil modification process involves the mixing of tung oil, lignin, and sodium hydroxide in a round bottom flask with a stir bar inside. The flask will sit in a water bath heated at 50 degrees Celsius for two hours. The modified lignin will then be used to create particle boards which will be tested for strength and durability. The expected results would be to create a particle board that can replace formaldehyde in construction material. This substitute can prevent future formaldehyde poisoning. The success of this project will allow the research to expand other branches of material science to replace other hazardous materials with biodegradable polymers made from lignin.