Utilization of the Doctor of Nursing Practice Nurse Practitioner to Meet North Carolina Healthcare Needs
Session Format
Poster Presentation
Research Area Topic:
Public Health & Well Being - Community & Practice-based Research
Co-Presenters and Faculty Mentors or Advisors
Ursula A. Pritham, PhD, WHNP-BC, FNP-BC
Since the development of the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree in 2002, limited published data are available regarding the utilization of the DNP prepared nurse practitioner (NP) in various settings such as primary care, academia, or administration. With over two hundred universities offering the DNP degree and over two thousand graduates per year, documenting the value and impact of the DNP NP on healthcare, access to care, and health outcomes is crucial in advancing the nursing profession. Evidence supports NP outcomes but limited information is available for DNP graduate outcomes. Data from an electronic email survey sent to 5,038 NPs in North Carolina (NC) was summarized. Findings from the survey delineate the role of the DNP prepared NP practicing in NC and their utilization of the DNP Essentials to affect health care quality. Recommendations to better understand the impact of DNP prepared NPs will provide data to further identify the added competencies and capabilities of DNP educated advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) and suggestions for future research are offered.
Doctor of Nursing Practice, nurse practitioner, advanced practice registered nurse, healthcare
Presentation Type and Release Option
Presentation (Open Access)
Start Date
4-24-2015 2:45 PM
End Date
4-24-2015 4:00 PM
Recommended Citation
Miller, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, Kelli, "Utilization of the Doctor of Nursing Practice Nurse Practitioner to Meet North Carolina Healthcare Needs" (2015). GS4 Georgia Southern Student Scholars Symposium. 138.
Utilization of the Doctor of Nursing Practice Nurse Practitioner to Meet North Carolina Healthcare Needs
Since the development of the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree in 2002, limited published data are available regarding the utilization of the DNP prepared nurse practitioner (NP) in various settings such as primary care, academia, or administration. With over two hundred universities offering the DNP degree and over two thousand graduates per year, documenting the value and impact of the DNP NP on healthcare, access to care, and health outcomes is crucial in advancing the nursing profession. Evidence supports NP outcomes but limited information is available for DNP graduate outcomes. Data from an electronic email survey sent to 5,038 NPs in North Carolina (NC) was summarized. Findings from the survey delineate the role of the DNP prepared NP practicing in NC and their utilization of the DNP Essentials to affect health care quality. Recommendations to better understand the impact of DNP prepared NPs will provide data to further identify the added competencies and capabilities of DNP educated advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) and suggestions for future research are offered.