Blank Spaces: An Exploration of Memory and Nostalgia through Mixed Media


Statesboro Campus (Room 2044)

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis Presentation (Open Access)

Faculty Mentor

Professor Matthew Mogle

Faculty Mentor Email

Presentation Year


Start Date

16-11-2022 6:00 PM

End Date

16-11-2022 7:00 PM


Blank Spaces explores the way childhood nostalgia manifests in the physical world through the creation of mixed media pieces. The experimentation with different mediums in my work, such as painting, ceramics, and animation, is emblematic of childhood creative play. These mixed media artworks showcase how memories recalled from the past can influence our interpretation of the present. The familial connection to family and culture, represented through manipulated old family photographs and imaginary renderings of stories, blends representational imagery with fantasy; my art examines the movement of those memories in the “blank spaces” of the mind. The thesis adds to the conversation of personal truth regarding the recollection of family memories and discusses mortality by symbolizing the impermanence of people and time.

Academic Unit

College of Arts and Humanities

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Nov 16th, 6:00 PM Nov 16th, 7:00 PM

Blank Spaces: An Exploration of Memory and Nostalgia through Mixed Media

Statesboro Campus (Room 2044)

Blank Spaces explores the way childhood nostalgia manifests in the physical world through the creation of mixed media pieces. The experimentation with different mediums in my work, such as painting, ceramics, and animation, is emblematic of childhood creative play. These mixed media artworks showcase how memories recalled from the past can influence our interpretation of the present. The familial connection to family and culture, represented through manipulated old family photographs and imaginary renderings of stories, blends representational imagery with fantasy; my art examines the movement of those memories in the “blank spaces” of the mind. The thesis adds to the conversation of personal truth regarding the recollection of family memories and discusses mortality by symbolizing the impermanence of people and time.