
Poster Presentation - Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing

Document Type and Release Option

Poster Presentation (Open Access)

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Marcel Ilie

Faculty Mentor Email


Presentation Year


Start Date

4-2020 12:00 AM

End Date

5-2020 12:00 AM


Georgia Southern University, Honors Symposium, Poster


Converget-Divergent nozzle profiles can vary in geometry. In this research, the objective is to find the optimum configuration for the different geometries commonly used in the Aerospace Industry. Our research will analyze conical, parabolic, dual bell, and Deich nozzle geometries through Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) simulations.

Academic Unit

Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing


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Apr 1st, 12:00 AM May 1st, 12:00 AM

Optimization and Design of Convergent-Divergent Rocket Nozzles

Poster Presentation - Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing

Converget-Divergent nozzle profiles can vary in geometry. In this research, the objective is to find the optimum configuration for the different geometries commonly used in the Aerospace Industry. Our research will analyze conical, parabolic, dual bell, and Deich nozzle geometries through Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) simulations.