Removing Inequities for Children When Differentiating Instruction and Assessment


Session 4 Presentations - Literacy Education III

Proposal Track

Research Project

Session Format



Inequities occur for children when they are given materials they are unable to read. Children lose confidence and embarrassment begins. Participants will discuss how listening to the children read from increasingly difficult reading materials and using mathematical formulas to determine difficulty for reading materials, can remove the inequities that occur for children. Evaluation studies using these details showed effect sizes equaling or exceeding 1.5 sigma., It can be calculated that a .65 effect size is equal to about one year's growth on commercially prepared norm referenced standardized tests.


Inequities, Social Justice

Professional Bio

Special education teacher - 6 years Elementary school teacher - 17 years Armstrong State University/Georgia Southern University - 29 years - Professor Exemplary Center for Reading Instruction, consultant - 46 years

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Oct 8th, 2:10 PM Oct 8th, 3:20 PM

Removing Inequities for Children When Differentiating Instruction and Assessment

Session 4 Presentations - Literacy Education III

Inequities occur for children when they are given materials they are unable to read. Children lose confidence and embarrassment begins. Participants will discuss how listening to the children read from increasingly difficult reading materials and using mathematical formulas to determine difficulty for reading materials, can remove the inequities that occur for children. Evaluation studies using these details showed effect sizes equaling or exceeding 1.5 sigma., It can be calculated that a .65 effect size is equal to about one year's growth on commercially prepared norm referenced standardized tests.