The Power and Possibilities for Creating Supportive Cultures in Middle Schools


Teacher Readiness (Session 4 Breakouts)

Proposal Track

Research Project

Session Format



Today’s middle school classrooms look very different than they did 30 years ago. With a focus on the whole child and a wider range of backgrounds and experiences represented within the student body, finding common ground can be daunting. Educators across the nation are faced with pressures of high stakes testing and merit pay, a more diverse population of students, and a need for ongoing engagement and motivation of learners who are used to immediate gratification from technologies and entertainment. When there are so many needs that must be met, how does a campus provide a school culture that builds trust, while fostering academic success?

This session will discuss our publication found in the Association of Middle Level Education’s April Magazine that provides five core suggestions that can help lay the foundation for a celebratory, supportive culture for any campus or district. The five suggestions include (1) Respect (2) Mission, Vision, and Purpose (3) Cohesion (4) Realities (5) Persistence. We will detail what each of these suggestions mean and how they impact the work that teacher educators do.


middle school, positive culture, climate

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Oct 2nd, 1:45 PM Oct 2nd, 2:45 PM

The Power and Possibilities for Creating Supportive Cultures in Middle Schools

Teacher Readiness (Session 4 Breakouts)

Today’s middle school classrooms look very different than they did 30 years ago. With a focus on the whole child and a wider range of backgrounds and experiences represented within the student body, finding common ground can be daunting. Educators across the nation are faced with pressures of high stakes testing and merit pay, a more diverse population of students, and a need for ongoing engagement and motivation of learners who are used to immediate gratification from technologies and entertainment. When there are so many needs that must be met, how does a campus provide a school culture that builds trust, while fostering academic success?

This session will discuss our publication found in the Association of Middle Level Education’s April Magazine that provides five core suggestions that can help lay the foundation for a celebratory, supportive culture for any campus or district. The five suggestions include (1) Respect (2) Mission, Vision, and Purpose (3) Cohesion (4) Realities (5) Persistence. We will detail what each of these suggestions mean and how they impact the work that teacher educators do.