Internationalizing the Curriculum in Mathematics Courses


Hamilton A

Proposal Track

Practice Report

Session Format



This session will describe the university’s effort to bring global experiences to all of its students. Due to the high cost of travel and other barriers, all students may not be able to travel globally to experience the benefits of international education. The Global Programs Department offered faculty the opportunity to revise courses to include components that address internationalizing the content. A mathematics professor and a mathematics education professor chose to participate in the university wide initiative. The faculty members were involved in an extensive faculty development workshop that addressed infusing global techniques into the classroom. The first course in this presentation is a general Pre-Calculus course with majors from across the university. The Pre-Calculus students were introduced to various Chinese teaching strategies that required the application of mathematics techniques to real world scenarios. The second course in this presentation is a mathematics education course for future elementary education teachers. A Lesson Study, or jugyo kenkyu, was presented, and it focused on professional development of mathematics teachers in Japan. Students from both courses reported favorably on the global experiences, and both faculty members expressed positive comments when reporting results to the administrators at the university.


mathematics, global, internationalization, curriculum

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Oct 6th, 2:00 PM Oct 6th, 4:00 PM

Internationalizing the Curriculum in Mathematics Courses

Hamilton A

This session will describe the university’s effort to bring global experiences to all of its students. Due to the high cost of travel and other barriers, all students may not be able to travel globally to experience the benefits of international education. The Global Programs Department offered faculty the opportunity to revise courses to include components that address internationalizing the content. A mathematics professor and a mathematics education professor chose to participate in the university wide initiative. The faculty members were involved in an extensive faculty development workshop that addressed infusing global techniques into the classroom. The first course in this presentation is a general Pre-Calculus course with majors from across the university. The Pre-Calculus students were introduced to various Chinese teaching strategies that required the application of mathematics techniques to real world scenarios. The second course in this presentation is a mathematics education course for future elementary education teachers. A Lesson Study, or jugyo kenkyu, was presented, and it focused on professional development of mathematics teachers in Japan. Students from both courses reported favorably on the global experiences, and both faculty members expressed positive comments when reporting results to the administrators at the university.