Proposal Track

Research Project

Session Format



The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of 3rd grade teachers and students during the week of Georgia Milestones Assessment testing. Our nation's testing culture is complex and the negative affects are ushered aside in order to “measure how well students have learned” (Georgia Milestones Assessment System, 2015). Third grade is the first year a student in Georgia takes a state-mandated test, their minimal prior knowledge, coupled with the teachers coping with this phenomenon, creates a unique opportunity to witness initial perceptions. My text is a film and I leave you to process the “data” and decipher between given facts/ intended meanings on your own accord.


Curriculum Studies, Georgia Milestones, Postpositivism, Postqualitative, Documentary

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Oct 7th, 3:15 PM Oct 7th, 4:30 PM

Perceptions of the Georgia Milestones (GMAS): a documentary

The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of 3rd grade teachers and students during the week of Georgia Milestones Assessment testing. Our nation's testing culture is complex and the negative affects are ushered aside in order to “measure how well students have learned” (Georgia Milestones Assessment System, 2015). Third grade is the first year a student in Georgia takes a state-mandated test, their minimal prior knowledge, coupled with the teachers coping with this phenomenon, creates a unique opportunity to witness initial perceptions. My text is a film and I leave you to process the “data” and decipher between given facts/ intended meanings on your own accord.