The American Public Health Association (APHA) and its Alliance for Disease Prevention and Response worked closely with the Public Health AmeriCorps program (PHACP), CDC and AmeriCorps on a set of activities which strengthen workforce capacity. Within APHA and its Alliance for Disease Prevention and Response team, the assigned project consists of providing opportunities for Public Health AmeriCorps members and grantees to make new connections and increase engagement with those in the field. The overall goal of the project is to address the critical need for public health professionals by supporting the recruitment, training, and development of the next generation of public health AmeriCorps leaders. APHA operated as technical assistance and support to the PHACP and provided various deliverables which included (1) hosting a subset of the PHACP members and grantees at APHA’s Annual Meeting and Expo in Atlanta, GA, November 11-15, 2023, (2) working with our key public health, not for profit, and community partners including community-based organizations (CBOs) to build engagement with and support PHACP members and grantees, and (3) engaging in post-conference activities to evaluate, learn from, and provide recommendations for future activities related to attending the conference, and the impact on their ability to better accomplish the goals of their public health-focused work in their communities.
public health, workforce, career development, training, diversity, technical assistance
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
The Future of Public Health: Developing the Workforce through Public Health AmeriCorps
The American Public Health Association (APHA) and its Alliance for Disease Prevention and Response worked closely with the Public Health AmeriCorps program (PHACP), CDC and AmeriCorps on a set of activities which strengthen workforce capacity. Within APHA and its Alliance for Disease Prevention and Response team, the assigned project consists of providing opportunities for Public Health AmeriCorps members and grantees to make new connections and increase engagement with those in the field. The overall goal of the project is to address the critical need for public health professionals by supporting the recruitment, training, and development of the next generation of public health AmeriCorps leaders. APHA operated as technical assistance and support to the PHACP and provided various deliverables which included (1) hosting a subset of the PHACP members and grantees at APHA’s Annual Meeting and Expo in Atlanta, GA, November 11-15, 2023, (2) working with our key public health, not for profit, and community partners including community-based organizations (CBOs) to build engagement with and support PHACP members and grantees, and (3) engaging in post-conference activities to evaluate, learn from, and provide recommendations for future activities related to attending the conference, and the impact on their ability to better accomplish the goals of their public health-focused work in their communities.